Andrew Scheer

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Andrew Scheer (2015)

Andrew Scheer (born May 20, 1979) is a Canadian Member of Parliament (MP) who served as Speaker of the House of Commons from 2011 to 2015. At age 32, he was the youngest person to serve in this capacity in Canadian parliamentary history. He was defeated by Maxime Bernier in the first 12 rounds.


  • I think we already know they’re looking to get rid of Fridays. Now we see they don’t even take Monday mornings very seriously either.
    • Source: National Post on 16 May 2016
    • Commenting on the lack of Liberal MPs in the House of Commons, resulting in a tied vote on a government bill.
  • Tonight marks the beginning of Chanukah, the eight-day Festival of Lights. It tells the story of the Jewish people’s resilience and their victory over tyranny and religious intolerance. On behalf of Canada’s Conservatives, I would like to wish everyone a Chag Chanukah Sameach!
  • Canada's Conservatives have been, and always will be, a strong voice for Israel and the Canadian Jewish community,
    Israel is one of Canada's strongest allies and a beacon of pluralism and democratic principles in a turbulent part of the world,
    Canada’s Conservatives recognize the obvious fact that Israel, like every other sovereign nation, has a right to determine where its capital is located.
  • Jewish people in Canada, Israel and around the world will begin celebrating Purim. I would like to extend my best wishes to the community as you celebrate with some of the happiest traditions of the holiday. Chag Purim Sameach!
    Happy Purim! Chag Sameach! This evening, Jewish people in Canada, Israel and around the world will begin celebrating Purim. This delightful holiday tells the story of Queen Esther and her uncle Mordechai, who saved the Jewish community of ancient Persia from their persecutor, Haman. Purim celebrates their heroism and bravery, which led to the survival and victory of the Jewish people. For all Canadians, the story of Purim is a reminder of the freedoms we enjoy and our duty to stand against religious intolerance.
    I would like to extend my best wishes to Canada’s Jewish community as you celebrate with some of the happiest traditions of the holiday: the reading of the Book of Esther (Megillat Esther); the exchange of special gift baskets with family and friends (Mishloach Manot); and, of course, eating delicious Hamentashen pastries. Have a fun and festive celebration! Happy Purim! Freilichen Purim!

Quotes about

  • I think the party owes their membership an explanation. And furthermore, I think that the party owes Mr. Scheer an explanation … his potential credibility is damaged because of this. They should explain to him how this happened and how it will never happen again. He should be insisting upon a more thorough review of what happened.
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