Banshee/Season 3

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Banshee is an American dramedy series that aired on Cinemax from 2013-2016 that is about the dysfunctional town of Banshee, Pennsylvania that is site of non-stop warfare between the Amish, Native American and Neo-Nazi mafias in conundrums with the local, state and federal police departments, as well as transient criminals with the main characters of Lucas Hood, an ex-con from New York City on the run from a mafia boss Rabbit, whose daughter Ana that Lucas has an on/off relationship with and also has a relationship with Rebecca Bowman, the mistress niece of Kai Proctor, the Amish boss.

The Fire Trials [3.01][edit]

Brock: I know, I know, you probably have some Bible verse about leaving revenge to God, but, you see, Emmett, sometimes you cannot wait for God to put the world to right because while you're waiting, the world just keeps going to shit. And when you have a guy like Hood leading the charge, well, God's just gonna have to move a lot faster if He wants to keep up and you can tell Him I said that.

Snakes and Whatnot [3.02][edit]

Haddock: [Enters Stowe's office] You wanted to see me, sir?
Colonel Douglas Stowe: Sit. My unit was point for black ops in Afghanistan. Asset recovery, bag grabs, the dirty stuff. One night we came under fire. Not just a couple of insurgents with small arms, dozens of them all armed to the teeth. Someone had tipped them off. I called for air support, but it never came. President's troop reductions meant less support for soldiers still on the ground. Murphy and I were the only ones to make it out. The powers that be let seven good men, patriots, die for politics. That's why I only trust my people. [Plops a duffel bag on his desk] This was found beneath a floorboard under your bunk.
Haddock: It's not mine.
Colonel Douglas Stowe: You're an idiot, Haddock. I could have made you rich and you blew it, for what? 30 grand?
Haddock: Sir, I swear... [Haddock stands up with Stowe gut punching him and then collapses back into his chair]
Colonel Douglas Stowe: Did I tell you to stand? [Kicks Haddock in the chest with him reeling backwards onto floor and punches him in the face with him groaning and orders a subordinate] Lock him in the brig.

A Fixer of Sorts [3.03][edit]

Real Life Is the Nightmare [3.04][edit]

Tribal [3.05][edit]

We Were All Someone Else Yesterday [3.06][edit]

You Can't Hide from the Dead [3.07][edit]

All the Wisdom I Got Left [3.08][edit]

Lucas: [He and Brock arrive at a cabin in the Louisiana Bayou and he spots a still lit cigarette on ground] Brock.
Brock: Yeah? [Thugs attack and fight him and Lucas]
Sani: [Appears at cabin door speaking through electrolarynx] Stop! Better have a damn good reason for trespassing on my land.
Lucas: If this is your land, you must be Sani Crow. We're looking for Chayton Littlestone. He killed our friend. She was a cop.
Sani: Then you came a long way for nothing.
Brock: Oh, fuck. I blame you for this.
Sani: This woman you say Chayton killed, what did she do to him?
Lucas: Nothing.
Sani: Then why would he take her life?
Lucas: 'Cause he's a fucking psychopath.
Sani: There was a time when you people would have called him a wild savage instead.
Brock: Yeah, that sounds about right.
Lucas: Listen... he came to you for help and you gave him sanctuary. I understand that. He's your people. But right now every cop within a thousand miles is looking for him. Not even you can avoid that kind of heat.
Sani: That's why I didn't allow him to stay.
Lucas: When did he leave? [Crow's thugs all raise firearms]
Brock: Hood.
Sani: A few days before you showed up.
Lucas: And where did he go?
Sani: My best guess would be the Quarter. It's not a big place.
Lucas: Let's go. [He and Brock walk away']
Brock: Hundred bucks says he's lying.
Lucas: Doesn't matter.
Brock: Why not?
Lucas: He sent us to the French Quarter. Whether he's selling us out or Chayton, we all end up in the same place.

Brock: You know, when we... when we killed Hondo, I swore to myself never again. And yet here I am a short while later on another assassination junket.
Lucas: Sometimes the law can't give justice.
Brock: Oh, don't kid yourself, Hood. This isn't justice. Hondo wasn't justice, okay? This is cold, hard, self-serving revenge. We're killers, okay? Don't make us idiots.
Lucas: Keep your fucking voice down.
Brock: Who gives a shit? They're all drunk.
Lucas: You need to calm down.
Brock: Fuck that, man. We drove through five states to come here to kill a man.
Lucas: You don't have to kill anyone.
Brock: Then what the hell am I doing here? Huh? What am I doing here?! [Lucas walks across street] Hood!
Next hotel room woman: [Lucas sits on bed drinking and listening to couple making love next door] Oh, my God... oh, fuck!
Chayton: [Lucas has flashbacks to Chayton's murder of Siobhan which morphs to a Chayton's present appearance which is then realized by Lucas with Chayton who trying to kill Lucas] You can't kill me, cop! You're just a man! No man can kill me!
Brock: Hood!
Lucas: [Grabs Brock's shotgun] Damn it, give me that.!
Chayton: [After a chase by Lucas through a cemetery which ends at the Mississippi river banks of a warehouse] I underestimated you. You're not a cop.
Lucas: No.
Chayton: Your people deal in lies. You will never understand the purity of true purpose. Of a spiritual calling. You're nothing. I am a warrior. I held her neck in these hands. So delicate. Felt her pulse tapping against my fingertips. The life running through her. [Lucas blows off half of Chayton's face with a shotgun with Chayton's body slumping down]
Brock: [After dumping Chayton's body in the Mississippi River] Hey. We should probably get the hell out of Dodge before the locals show up, huh? Hood, let's go.
Lucas: I can't go back.
Brock: What?
Lucas: I'm done. I got nothing left.
Brock: So that's it? You're just gonna walk away? You know, I've been driving myself crazy trying to figure you out, but I'm done. Who you are, who you were, where you're from, I don't care. I don't care anymore. The only thing I care about is my town. Kai Proctor has been having his way with us, all of us, for way too long. But you, you're the first guy that bastard couldn't own. And together, you and me, we could take him down for good.
Lucas: No.
Brock: God damn it. What do you think she would have wanted, huh? I'm not going back to Banshee without you. Gotta finish what you started. Even if I've got to kick your ass all the way back there myself. I'm not leaving without you.
Lucas: Are you done?
Brock: I think so. Come on.

Reverend: [Giving an outdoor service baptizing Kai] In the name of the Lord and the Church, we extend to you the hand of fellowship. "I am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake and remembers your sins no more." Rise up and be ye a faithful member of the Church. In youth we learn. In age we understand. This belonged to your mother.
Kai: Thank you, Father. Thank you. [Frazier's goons arrive and seize Kai and Emily, leading them to their vehicle]
Frazier goon: Move, Kai. Let's go. [Rebecca runs after the vehicle firing off a pistol]

Coworker: [To Carrie at diner] I thought you and soldier boy were done.
Carrie: We are.
Coworker: Does he know that?
Carrie: [Doug enters diner] Hey.
Colonel Douglas Stowe: Hello, Carrie. [Sits at table]
Carrie: Jesus. What happened to you?
Colonel Douglas Stowe: I got robbed.
Carrie: Doug, are you okay?
Colonel Douglas Stowe: I will be.
Carrie: Did you call the cops?
Colonel Douglas Stowe: No, I'll be handling this myself. Maybe you can help. I understand your father was no stranger to illegal behavior. Maybe you could shed some light on the nuances of the criminal mind.
Carrie: My father and I had a complicated relationship. I doubt I'd be much help.
Colonel Douglas Stowe: Okay. I'd like some more water, please.
Carrie: Of course.

Even God Doesn't Know What to Make of You [3.09][edit]

[Frazier's goons are beating Kai, tied to chair]
Emily: Please, stop.
Goon: [Kai speaks Amish] What the hell did you say? [Leans into Kai who bites off goon's nose tip and he screams] Fսck!
Kai: [Spits out nose tip] I said come closer.

Sugar: Why, Colonel, right?
Gordon: Were you a military man?
Sugar: No, just watch a lot of movies. What's your poison?
Gordon: Maker's Mark, neat. All this time in Banshee and I've never been in here before.
Sugar: Well, it's... not much to look at, but at least the roof doesn't leak.
Gordon: Hmm. You know, the craziest thing happened the other day.
Sugar: Did it?
Gordon: Mmm. Four idiots decided to steal a considerable amount of my money.
Sugar: Is that so?
Gordon: Mm, but that's not the crazy part. These guys actually thought they were gonna get away with it. See, what you have here is a lose-lose situation. I never lose. [Shoots bottles behind Sugar]
Sugar: Damn it!
Gordon: Thanks for the drink.
Sugar: Fսck you.

Leo: [Job drives up to The Forge bar and Leo walks past Job pricking his hand and calls out] Job.
Job: [Draws his pistol] Who the fսck are you?
Leo: My name is Leo. Maybe you've heard of me.
Job: Don't flatter yourself.
Leo: Well, I've definitely heard of you, Job. That's why I doubled the sedative. [Holds up hand to reveal a needle pricker, Job then groans and collapses on floor with Leo standing over him] This is actually a very big moment for me.

Emily: You have to go back for him!
Brock: No, Em', I don't! Now come on!
Emily: Well, then I will!
Brock: The hell you are! [Grabs Emily] Em, listen to me. Listen. Do you have any idea how close you came to dying tonight? They were going to kill you because of him!
Emily: Let go of me! [Shoves him]
Brock: [Grabs Emily] Jesus Christ! Open your eyes! Do you understand? You are shacking up with a fսcking psychopath!
Emily: What, you're going to let him die because you're jealous? [Shoves him] Fսck you, Brock! You coward! [Gets into vehicle]
Brock: Oh, yeah?! ['Shoots out two tires of Emily's vehicle]
Emily: [Screams] Oh, fսck!
Brock: And you're welcome for saving your goddamn life! [Holsters gun and walks to patrol vehicle]

Kurt: Sir.
Gordon: Where is she? [Kurt points to Deva's cell]
Kurt: [Gordon walks to Deva and Kurt hands him binder] I just need your signature on this report and you can take your daughter home.
Gordon: She's not going home.
Kurt: What?
Gordon: At least not tonight.
Kurt: Yes, sir.
Gordon: I'm sorry, Deva. I don't know what else to do. [Walks away]

We All Pay Eventually [3.10][edit]

Lucas: Hello? Hello? Hello! Let me the fսck out! [Robert enters] Who the fսck are you?
Robert: You're smaller than I thought you'd be, which is strange because you did a hell of a number on your drill instructor and he's not a pussy. Probably not the first time your temper got you into trouble, is it? That's probably why you joined the army in the first place, right? Or are you just a patriot?
Lucas: Where am I?
Robert: Where aren't you? You aren't in the brig at Fort Benning facing a court-martial that could have landed you two years in military prison and turned you into an even meaner asshоlе than you are now. I had you moved. You're welcome.
Lucas: So what is this?
Robert: Well, I guess it's math class, because I'm not wearing a rank or an insignia and this isn't a cell, so... Special Ops?
Lucas: Hey, fսck you!
Robert: Fսck me? We'll see you in a couple days, kid. [Walks away]
Lucas: What? Where are you going? [Roberts walks out door] Hey! Hey, asshоlе, come back!

Rebecca: I'm sorry.
Kai: You're impetuous. Reckless. You defied me.
Rebecca: I thought I was helping you.
Kai: [Burton ties Kai's bow] Thank you Burton. Bring the car around. [Burton walks out] I've been dealing with men like Frazier and Morales since before you were born. You'll learn, Rebecca. But in order to learn, you have to accept the fact that you don't know anything. Not yet.
Rebecca: I understand.
Kai: Having said that, we've both made mistakes, mistakes that can never happen again.
Rebecca: Are you going to Philadelphia?
Kai: We all are. [Rebecca walks past him]

Sugar: Shit, are you okay, Job?
Job: What the fuck kind of stupid-ass question is that?
Sugar: [Chuckles] He's okay. You got any idea how Stowe landed on us?
Job: We got sloppy.
Carrie: Well, he doesn't know everything and that's the only thing keeping us alive until help arrives.
Job: Yeah? And who's gonna help him, hmm? That man has exactly three friends and they all right here.
Sugar: Have some faith, huh?
Job: Have you met me?
Carrie: [Scene of Hood arriving at the army base gates] He's gonna come.
Job: Oh, I know he'll come. He'll take on the whole motherfucking platoon. Might even make it past the front gate. But there's still a shitload of mercs with a shitload of guns between him and us.

Carrie: He'll find a way.
Job: Fuck you, he'll find a way. He ain't your fairy godmother come to make all your dreams come true. How many more times does he have to put his ass on the line for you until he gets his motherfucking head blown off?
Carrie: You're blaming me for this?!
Job: [Screams] I ain't the one who fucked the mark!
Carrie: Oh, fuck you, Job!
Job: No, fuck you, Carrie! Or Ana! Or whatever you call yourself today!
Carrie: If you were so worried...!
Job: How'd your boyfriend know exactly...!
Carrie: could have shut this job down...!
Job: to take us all down?!
Carrie: I'm a professional!
Job: What the fuck did you let slip?!
Carrie: I didn't tell him anything!
Job: You tell me what you told that motherfucker?!
Carrie: How dare you?!
Sugar: Both of you shut the fuck up! If we're gonna die, then we're gonna die! Have some motherfucking dignity for fuck's sake! Job... if she slipped, the four of us would be dead already. We gonna make it out of here alive, we gotta stick together. Hmm? Yeah?

Brock: You want to tell me what the hell happened out there today?
Kurt: [Clears throat] A lot of those guys are angry that I'm back. They feel betrayed.
Brock: Yeah. Yeah, I got that. No, I meant the part where you grabbed a civilian and started strangling him in front of a diner full of witnesses.
Kurt: Sorry about that.
Brock: You're sorry? Fսck sorry, okay? I don't like those guys any more than you do, but if you're gonna wear that badge...
Kurt: I am guys like that! Every evil, twisted thought that he has had, I have had. Every fucked-up thing that he's done, I have done. I've done things that would make you sick. They make me sick.
Brock: You think you're the only one around here that's got dirt on him? I've done some... things. Fսck, Bunker, I... I don't know you, okay? But from what I've seen, you're not the man you used to be.
Kurt: [Opens shirt to reveal swastika tattoo] I will always be that man. Putting on this uniform does not wipe my slate clean. I'm doing everything I can to change. And every once in a while... I manage to convince myself that I'm a better person. But the minute that I come into contact with one of those fսcking guys and see the way that they look at me, all I feel is hate and anger and I can't shake it.
Brock: Okay, all right. Listen to me. Listen, listen. Hold it. Look at me. Okay, that isn't anger that you're feeling. That's the shame and the guilt. And trust me, we all feel that. All of us. And that is what makes you better than them. If you didn't feel that, that's when I'd start to worry, all right? You hear me? Okay. Now, look, can you promise me that what happened out there today is never gonna happen again?
Kurt: I don't know.
Brock: Good answer. 'Cause if you had said yes, I knew you were full of shit. [Chuckles] Go home, all right? Get some sleep.
Kurt: Thank you, sir.
Brock: Yep.

External links[edit]