Bose Alao

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Bose Alao Omotoyossi (born 6 January 1985) is a Nigerian Nollywood actress and producer. Bose Alao.


  • You know, speaking your own language can be very comfortable than someone else’s language. For instance, you can imagine asking me to scold my kid in Yoruba now, it’s going to flow but in English I will still have to choose my words one after the other.
  • I hate when people owe me and I will be going ‎around chasing them for my money. Basically, Bose Alao Omotoyosi is a full time actress.
  • No, nothing can stop me from acting except death; it’s my passion.
  • I used to be a very stubborn person. I didn’t like saying sorry whenever I did anything wrong. My husband gets angry easily, but when you are remorseful he calms down and tells you he is sorry too. It has really worked for me and I have used that a lot in my marriage. It’s not easy to apologise, especially when you are not the one at fault. I don’t just say sorry I go inside and kneel down to say sorry.
  • Fans put pressure on celebrities to lead fake lives. One needs a lot of discipline because the expectations of fans from celebrities are usually too high. A lot of them feel one should have a certain financial level and live a certain way. However, things don’t work that way. It’s not nice. Some people who don’t have wisdom and discipline fall for it. But, I thank God He gave me the wisdom to deal with that kind of pressure
  • It’s not a must. As an actor, the most important thing is for one to interpret one’s roles well, whether one is dark or light-skinned. As a matter of fact, some producers don’t even like fair-skinned people because by the time lights used on set are put on, they realise they have a lot of work to do.
  • I don’t have any special routine for my body. I don’t even exercise but I live healthily. I don’t eat junks and sugary foods. I like to cook myself and I like fresh homemade foods. I think my stature is hereditary. I take after my grandma, who has a small stature. My siblings are much bigger
  • It doesn’t help you saying “I’m a no-nonsense woman”. It increases the height of domestic violence, trust me. I’m not going to support it here, but I’m going to speak against it in a way that you’ll understand that most of the time, we really need to sit back and ask ourselves “What do we really want?” I have been in the kind of situation in my marriage where I said to myself “I just need to leave. I’m not doing this anymore”, but inside me, I’m not leaving. Whatever you won’t take, do not dish it to your spouse and vice versa. Marriage has also taught me recently to be very calm in addressing issues and to be very prayerful.
  • It just comes up in marriages, and the ability to be able to control your anger during crises in marriage goes a long way. I’m not going to support a wife-beater or a woman that runs her mouth. Most of the time, these two things don’t help. You really need to learn how to take things calmly. Though you won’t tell me you saw the viral picture on my page or that I said anything on it. How it was resolved? It was God and also based on the fact that my husband and I knew what we wanted. I told a particular person that said “It’s so-so person that caused the issue…”, “No, what my marriage needs now is counseling and less talk”. And that was actually what we did and that is how we got it resolved. The viral thing, the battered face…? I don’t even know how to address it. I just want to tell Nigerians we are fine and we are sorry for disturbing you
  • Once an actor, always an actor. Trust me, nobody who has been in front of a camera or who has acted on stage out of passion will want to quit for anything. I’m not ready to stop.
  • Domestic violence is terrible. Most times, we need a break to see and know if we really want to stay in such marriage or change the situation. Yes, women are that powerful to end domestic violence. I am sure it is the most terrible time he (my husband) has passed through. I also took a lot of steps and stopped so many annoying things
  • I would advise my colleagues to always have a backup and never rely on any video editor.
  • for everyone that faces domestic violence in one way or the other, the first thing to do is to love yourself and ask what you really want. In the process of being in a violent relationship, you can die. Just ask yourself if you want to sort things out or walk away.

Some people would advise you to walk away but it is easier said than done. Sometimes, you just need some sanity; if you feel your home is toxic, just step aside and get help.

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