Laura Ziskin

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Laura Ziskin c. 1968

Laura Ziskin (3 March 195012 June 2011) was an American film producer and a co-founder of Stand Up to Cancer (SU2C)



From Laura Ziskin

  • Men have built the cities, made and defined the culture, interpreted the world. At no time in recorded history have women been culture-makers. Movies are arguably the most influential, important medium in the world. They have a tremendous cultural impact. Because women are now making movies, then women’s ideas, philosophy, point of view will seep into that culture. And that’s never happened in history. Ever, ever, ever. We can’t even see the impact of that yet.
  • He's just scary smart, sort of smarter than everyone else in the room. There's just a handful of these people who know absolutely everything about the process. They could do everyone's job brilliantly. Every aspect is under their control. (About David Fincher)
    • The Curious Case of David Fincher, By Brian Mockenhaupt, Esquire Magazine, March 2007 issue
  • In my world, the hero always defeats the villain, the boy always gets the girl, and cancer is no more.
    • Originally said during a speech whilst receiving the Visionary Award at the 22nd Producers Guild of America Awards on January 22, 2011
    • Repeated during her Oscars In Memroiam Section at the 84th Academy Awards on 26 February 2012
    • LA Times Article - Laura Ziskin dies at 61; ‘Spider-Man’ producer - 14 June 2011 - Archive

About Laura Ziskin

  • There wasn’t a task that seemed impossible to her. Laura had the ability to dream big, she would scale things in her mind quickly, and I think that that’s one of the jobs of a producer, is to have a hope for a future. She set out to beat cancer, and not ‘her cancer’, but ‘Cancer’.
  • I don’t think Laura approached anything in her life, be it producing movies, or battling cancer, or motherhood, or friendship in a traditional way. Like every great hero, she had a vision and she set us into motion and now its up to us to continue moving forward to achieve her dream. (of beating cancer)
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