Talk:Helen Mirren

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Wikiquote no longer allows unsourced quotations, and they are in process of being removed from our pages (see Wikiquote:Limits on quotations); but if you can provide a reliable and precise source for any quote on this list please move it to Helen Mirren.

  • "Actors are rogues and vagabonds. Or they ought to be. I can't stand it when they behave like solicitors from Penge." "I'm a would-be rebel. The good girl who'd like to be a bad one."
  • "The trick in life is learning how to deal with it."
  • "Flesh sells. People don't want to see pictures of churches. They want to see naked bodies"
  • "On not having children: No. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. I am so happy that I didn't have children. Well, you know because I've had freedom."
  • "There's nothing sexy about doing a nude scene. It's rather uncomfortable. I like dressing up rather than dressing down."
  • "It's the creme-de-la-creme of bulls**t."
    • (About the Academy Awards)
  • "All you have to do is to look like crap on film and everyone thinks you're a brilliant actress. Actually, all you've done is look like crap."
  • "...I prefer male journalists because there's a streak of female journalism - the bitches - who are mean-spirited and nasty because you are another woman and want to make you feel crap. It's very upsetting. I'm more careful when I'm being interviewed by a woman because, from experience as well as reading articles about other women, I know there is a little stiletto knife hidden behind the back.[On asking to be interviewed by male rather than female journalists]"
  • "As you get older, naked stuff gets easier. It's more to do with the role than what men in the audience think. There's a liberation about it."
  • "I'm not by nature a supporter of the Conservatives [Party], but then the Conservatives are not what the Conservatives used to be. Except they are a bit, aren't they? They're all just bloody public schoolboys!"
  • "It's nice to look back and remember, and to think, 'Wow! I've had a fantastic life, it's been brilliant!' Or else you think, 'Oh, thank God that's all over!'"
  • "I try not to think of my own mortality, but that as I gets older it gets darker, there is no question about that. You just say: 'It's going to happen and it's going to happen to everybody'."
  • "My poshed-over voice was learnt and assimilated. I was an Essex girl."
  • "You can't ask people: 'Did you cast me in this because I won an Oscar?' They'd always deny it: 'No! No! We would've had you anyway!' Liars!"
  • "I didn't cry when I got my Oscar [for The Queen (2006)], but I cried then [when applauded by baggage handlers at Heathrow airport]. I had my Oscar in my bag, so I got it out. I was shameless, but they loved it."
  • "I don't mind being sexy, but on my terms. To this day, I love sexuality. I love the art of sexuality. I love Lady Gaga and the performance of sexuality. The mysterious, the artistic and the slightly perverse. I'm interested in all that."